Many Opportunities to Excel
In the Army ROTC program, it is not all classroom and field training. There are many opportunities for you to get to know your fellow cadets better and increase your skills in a variety of areas. Learn more about these events and activities below.
Ranger Challenge Team
The question is "Are You Tough Enough"?
Ranger Challenge is the varsity sport of ROTC. It is both mentally and physically demanding. The Ranger Challenging Team is required to have between 8-10 cadets in order to compete. All cadets are eligible to try out for the team, men and women, scholarship and non-scholarship cadets in all years of Military Science. What is really required to be on the Ranger Challenge Team is desire, commitment to the team and as the name implies, the willingness to go further than you ever thought you could. Competition includes:
- Basic Rifle Marksmanship
- Land Navigation
- Map Reading Written Exam
- The Army Physical Fitness Test
- Commander's Special Event
- Hand Grenade Assault Course
- Obstacle Course
- 10 Kilometer Forced Road March
Training for competition includes rigorous physical fitness workouts, informational classes on various elements of map reading, and a weekend field training exercise where rifle marksmanship, land navigation and other skills are practiced.
Color Guard
Blue Devil Eagle Battalion Cadets have the honor of presenting the National Colors during home football, basketball and other ceremonies at Duke and NCCU.
Varsity Athletes and Campus Organizations
ROTC Cadets are leaders on their individual campus. Many of our Cadets play varsity athletics, hold student offices or participate in student clubs. Participation in Student Government, Greek Organizations, Clubs and Varsity Sports is highly encouraged for Blue Devil Eagle Cadets.