How to Join

Explore the world of the Army today.

When you sign up for AROTC, you will register for a Military Science Class and Lab (MILITSCI course codes at Duke or MSC at NCCU). Joining AROTC does not mean you are enlisting in the Army and does not require attendance at Basic Training.

Click on one of the categories to the right to see more information on the program that interests you. Still have questions or not sure where to click? Our enrollment team is ready and able to answer your questions.

Our program is available to current Freshman and Sophomore students at Duke University or North Carolina Central University. Our program is also open to graduate and professional students as long as the student has at least two years and two summers remaining for classes and training.

You can also join if you are a mid-semester student. Please contact our office so we can determine the best avenue of entry for you.

Email us at:

Phone Numbers:

  • Duke Office: (919) 660-3091 / 3090 (East Campus, West Duke Building) 
  • NCCU Office: (919) 530-7195 (Taylor Education Building)

Facebook: Duke NCCU Army ROTC
Instagram: Bull City Battalion